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Replacement filters for Catlink Pure 1 (5 pcs)

Preces ID:1317025
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 36 prece(s)
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Replacement filters for Catlink Pure 1 water fountain

Take care of your cat's health in a simple but effective way. The replacement filter is dedicated to the Catlink Pure 1 fountain and was created for pregnant cats and those dealing with kidney disease. Thanks to innovative technology, the product not only provides crystal clear and fresh water, but also removes harmful substances that can negatively affect the health of your beloved pet.


Benefits for cats

The Catlink replacement filter will provide your pet with constant access to clean and fresh water. Thanks to its innovative filtration technology, it effectively eliminates harmful substances such as excess calcium and magnesium ions, which are the main causes of urinary tract diseases in cats. It also removes impurities from the water, such as hair.


Effective performance

The cotton filter effectively prevents larger particles and hair from entering the water, while the nano-silver filter has an antibacterial effect, eliminating bacterial growth. The replacement resin softens the water and eliminates heavy metals - all for the sake of your cat's health and safety. In addition, the product uses the same resin that is used in advanced water purifiers for humans. As you can see - Catlink takes the welfare of your four-legged friend seriously!

Manufacturer Catlink
Model CL-WFPF-01
Compatibility Catlink Pure 1 fountain
Dominant material ABS, PP, cotton, activated carbon, antibacterial bead, resin
Dimensions 163 x 39 x 100 mm


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Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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