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Darkflash LG04 12 PIN*4 ARGB Extension Cable (white)

Preces ID:1317026
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 50 prece(s)
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Darkflash LG04 motherboard extender, ARGB, 12 PIN*4 (white)

The Darkflash LG04 extender is widely compatible with various manufacturers' motherboard lighting software, allowing ARGB synchronization. The LEDs provide intense colors. You can mount the product in various configurations. Soft silicone is used to make it easy to install.

Wide compatibility

The product is compatible with lighting control software from various motherboard brands, including ASUS Aura Sync, GIGABYTE RGB Fusion 2.0, MSI Mystic Light Sync and ASRock Polychrome RGB, which allows you to synchronize ARGB lighting. This allows you to customize your PC's lighting according to your preferences and create an aesthetically stunning work and entertainment space. In addition, 5V ARGB male/female connectors can be connected to other devices.

Color intensity

The multi-channel LEDs provide intense and vivid colors. As a result, the lighting is dynamic and clearly visible even in daylight. In addition, the light conductors are thinner and provide brighter conduction, resulting in sharper and more focused lighting, enhancing the overall quality of visual effects.

Easy installation and multiple configuration options

The extender is made of high-quality, flexible and soft silicone, making it easy to install even in hard-to-reach places and minimizing the risk of damage during installation. For its installation you do not need to use any tools. You will successfully use the product in various configurations.

Robust design

The cables and RGB modules are solidly connected, which ensures their durability. A special protective coating protects against dust and yellowing, extending the life of the product. The high-quality silicone cables can withstand temperatures ranging from 130°C to 150°C. So you can be sure that the extension cord will serve you reliably for a long time.


Dimensions350 x 40 x 18 mm (gelatin coating)
Rated voltageLine: 300V / Light: 5V
Electric currentLine: 7A / Light: 810 mA
Silicone tube253 mm


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