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Car Mount for Tablet and Phone McDodo CM-4310 for dashboard

Preces ID:1108450
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 23 prece(s)
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Mcdodo CM-4310 car tablet/phone holder for dashboard hood

Do you often travel by car? Do you need to have your navigation at hand at all times? The Mcdodo car mount will allow you to easily mount your tablet or phone on the dashboard. What's more, it is freely adjustable, making it even more comfortable to use. From today you can have free access to the equipment you need in the car!


Multiple mounting options

The Mcdodo car mount can be easily mounted in a variety of places, ensuring comfort and safety while driving. Whether you prefer to place the holder on the dashboard, fast front or side, Mcdodo is able to meet your needs. What's more, this holder offers a wide range of adjustment. You can customize it by rotating it clockwise, counterclockwise, 360°, or by adjusting the angle up and down, forward and backward. It's a flexible solution that adapts to your driving style and comfort.


Great compatibility

What sets the Mcdodo mount apart is its wide compatibility. It is tailored to support a variety of devices, such as tablets, readers and phones with screen widths ranging from 4.7 to 12.9 inches. Whether you need to mount your smartphone while traveling or hold a large tablet at arm's length, the Mcdodo will meet your needs. Its versatile design provides a secure and safe hold for a variety of equipment, so you can use GPS navigation, play media or freely use other functions of your mobile device while on the road.


Thoughtful design

The design of the Mcdodo mount has been carefully thought out, so this gadget is equipped with special holes that facilitate charging. What's more, its installation will not cause you any problems, as it is easy and fast. You will mount it in just 4 easy steps. In addition, you also do not have to worry about the safety of your equipment. Thanks to its special design, the holder will stably stick to the surface on which it is mounted.

Manufacturer Mcdodo
Model CM-4310
Dimensions 162 × 74.9 × 50.2 mm
Material ABS + silicone


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Aizdevuma termiņš: no 6 līdz 60 mēnešiem;
Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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