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Case Dux Ducis Skin Pro Xiaomi Redmi Note 12S gold

Preces ID:1207570
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 20 prece(s)
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Dux Ducis Skin Pro is a trending case with an interior phone insert made of flexible TPU and an exterior flap made of ecological leather. The case is suited to presise model, completely protects the phone against damage caused to falls or scratches (for example, by keys carried in a pocket). Raised borders surrounding the screen and back camera protect the phone from damaging these elements when it is put on a flat surface. It includes responsive buttons and cutouts for ports. Perfect for consumers who appreciate elegance, quality and want to take care of their gadget.
The back of the flip is built in such a manner that it may be used as a stand for the phone. 
Inside you will also discover a pocket for a payment card or paperwork. 


  • Material: PU+TPU
  • An elegant case made of ecological leather with a stand function.
  • Stylish design - The case has an elegant design that will work in any situation . It doesn't matter if it's a business meeting or a simple social conversation.
  • Durable- The accessory is made of pleasant to the touch ecological leather and supported by an internal, shock-resistant TPU overlap.
  • Complete protection - The closed design of the cover makes the phone perfectly protected from all sides.
  • Stand function - The case can be folded, turning it into a convenient stand . Just right for watching movies or viewing photos.
  • Practical pocket - On the inside of the overlay there is a practical pocket for a credit card, business card or ID card.
  • Integrated Buttons - Block any dirt from getting under the pad.
  • Precise cutouts - Guarantee easy access to all necessary ports.


Iegādāties preces līzingā tagad ir vieglāk kā jebkad agrāk: tas aizņems ne vairāk kā 5 minūtes Jūsu dārgā laika – aizpildiet līzinga pieteikumu Interneta veikalā www.707.lv, un par pārējo parūpēsies Interneta veikala www.707.lv klientu dienests.


Preces www.707.lv uz nomaksu var iegādāties jebkurš Latvijas iedzīvotājs (t.sk. citu valstu pilsoņi ar uzturēšanās atļauju Latvijas Republikā);
Jums jābūt pastāvīgiem oficiāliem ikmēneša ienākumiem;
Kredīta ņēmēja vecums: no 20 līdz 76 gadiem;
Aizdevuma summa: no 100 EUR līdz 7000 EUR;
Aizdevuma termiņš: no 6 līdz 60 mēnešiem;
Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
Noformēšanai nepieciešama pase vai ID-karte.



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