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USB-A to Lightning Cable Budi 206L/2M 2.4A 2M (black)

Preces ID:1295499
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 3 prece(s)
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USB-A to Lightning Cable Budi 2.4A 2M (black)

The USB Lightning Cable Budi 206L/2M 2.4A 2m combines quality and functionality. This black cable is designed to deliver exceptional performance and durability, making it a perfect addition to any electronic accessories set.

Reliable Connection

With USB-A and Lightning connectors, the Budi 206L/2M cable is compatible with various devices, ensuring a reliable connection and fast charging. Whether you're using it to charge your iPhone, iPad, or other Apple devices, this cable guarantees a stable and effective connection.

2 Meter Length

A 2-meter cable provides greater flexibility when using your devices, allowing you to charge from a greater distance from the socket. This is especially useful when using devices in bed, on the couch, or in the car. No more worrying about the cable being too short.

Fast Charging

With a current intensity of 2.4A, the Budi 206L/2M cable enables fast charging of your devices. This means you can quickly charge your iPhone and be ready to go in no time.

Durable Construction

The Budi 206L/2M cable features an aluminum casing that not only looks elegant but also protects the cable from mechanical damage. This ensures that this cable will serve you for many years, no matter how often you use it.

Universal Application

This cable is not only suitable for charging Apple devices but also other devices with a Lightning port. This makes it versatile and useful in various situations.


Current Intensity2.4A
MaterialAluminum Casing


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Aizdevuma summa: no 100 EUR līdz 7000 EUR;
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Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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