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Shelly Gas LPG

ID товара:1317027
в наличии поставщикa: 20 шт.
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Shelly Gas LPG liquefied petroleum gas sensor

Shelly Gas LPG is a smart sensor that provides additional protection in homes that use liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). It stands out for its precise measurements, long service life and high sensitivity, offering reliable protection against the dangers of a possible leak. Thanks to Wi-Fi technology and compatibility with platforms such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, you can receive real-time information about the security status of your home.

Reliable alarms

Shelly Gas LPG is equipped with an LED light and sound alarm of about 70 dB, which effectively alerts users when gas is detected. It can also send notifications to your phone. This way, you can respond to a possible threat right away!

Smart features and integration

The sensor can be easily integrated with other Shelly-branded devices to create a cohesive smart home system. The product is also compatible with Android and iOS operating systems, and works with the Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant ecosystems. It also works with home automation servers using MQTT, CoAP and REST APIs. This makes it possible to monitor and control it remotely using apps and voice assistants. You can also easily integrate it into your Arduino-based projects.

Safety and durability

The sensor's housing is flame-retardant, making it safer to use in the event of a fire. What's more, its minimal power consumption (< 3 W) and ability to operate over a wide temperature range (-10°C to 50°C) make Shelly Gas LPG an extremely effective and reliable device in almost any conditions.

Ease of installation and use

Shelly Gas LPG is easy to install and configure, so it can quickly become an integral part of your home security system. It also requires no additional hubs, simplifying installation and reducing initial costs. The Wi-Fi range of up to 50 meters outdoors and up to 30 meters indoors allows for flexibility in placing the sensor in the optimal location.


Power supply110-230 V ±10% 50/60 Hz
Gas sensorLiquefied petroleum gas - LPG
Protection against temperaturesYes - flame retardant
AlarmLED flash light and sound
Alarm sensitivity6% LEL
Volume level≥ 70 dB
Valve manipulator jack output11-13 V, 500 mA
Operating temperatureFrom -10°C to 50°C
Power consumption< 3 W
Intelligent on/offYes
Local and remote controlTak
Wi-Fi connectivity standard802.11 b/g/n
Radio frequency2400-2484 MHz
RangeUp to 50 m outdoors / up to 30 m indoors
Dimensions (without plug)89.5 x 89.5 x 38 mm


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