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USB-C to USB-C cable Baseus Tungsten Gold 240W 3m (black)

ID товара:1122198
в наличии поставщикa: 1806 шт.
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Baseus Tungsten Gold 240W 3m USB-C to USB-C cable (black).

Enjoy fast charging of your devices and transfer files in no time. The Baseus Tungsten Gold cable provides up to 240 watts of power, and the transmission speed it offers reaches 480 Mbps. At the same time, the product is extremely durable and resistant to damage. It is also distinguished by its wide compatibility - it will easily charge most devices equipped with a USB-C port.


Fast charging

Forget about the prolonged wait until your devices are ready to use. The Baseus cable provides up to 240 watts of power and supports the latest PD3.1 fast charging protocol, so charging your smartphone will only take a moment!


For the sake of safety

The Baseus Tungsten Gold cable allows you to charge your chosen devices not only quickly, but also safely. When it restores most of the energy to the equipment connected to it, it will automatically switch to back-up charging. This will protect its battery from damage and extend its life! What's more, it has a built-in chip that intelligently recognizes connected devices and adjusts the charging parameters to them.


Instant file transfer

With Baseus, you can also enjoy fast file transfers. The Tungsten Gold cable offers transmission speeds of up to 480 Mbps. This allows you to copy selected photos, documents or videos in no time. No more endless waiting - transfer files in no time and save time!


Improved design

The cable's connectors are distinguished by their resistance to wear and corrosion, and the durable tin-plated copper wires ensure stable and reliable signal transmission. The product is also equipped with a nylon braid, which protects it from damage and makes it more durable. It is not intimidated by bending or pulling! What's more, the most sensitive areas of the cable have received additional protection made of high-quality TPE plastic.

Manufacturer Baseus
Name Tungsten Gold Fast Charging Data Cable
Model CAWJ040201
Color Black
Type USB-C to USB-C
Power 240 W max.
Transmission speed Up to 480 Mbps
Material Zinc alloy + nylon braid
Length 3 m


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