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Quick Charge USB-C Baseus Flash, 6A,1m (Pink)

ID товара:1235641
в наличии поставщикa: 170 шт.
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Baseus USB to USB-C 6A fast charging cable, 2m (pink)

Fast charging, reliable safety and durable construction - it's all waiting for you with Baseus! The cable supports fast charging with as much as 6A and 100W of power, so it won't take too long to renew your smartphone's energy. Thanks to the built-in chip, the cable controls the temperature, protecting it from overheating or overcharging. And it doesn't stop there! Durable construction with nylon braid and reinforced connector ensures that the cable will serve you well for years to come.


Fast charging

Don't waste time waiting for your smartphone to be ready for use! The Baseus cable supports fast charging with 6A current and up to 100 watts of power, so it won't take you long to charge. In as little as 30 minutes you will charge your Huawei Mate 40 Pro to up to 86% or Honor 50 Pro to 100% in 27 minutes! With its help, you will successfully renew the energy of many devices that are equipped with a USB-C port, including the Huawei P50 Pro or Honor 70 Pro.


Put safety first

Freely charge your device without worrying about its safety. The cable has a built-in advanced chip that continuously monitors your device's temperature to prevent overheating and overcharging. When the charging temperature gets too high, the cable will immediately cut power, protecting your device. What's more, a special light indicator will let you know the current operating temperature, giving you full control over the charging process.


Will serve you for many years

The CATS010504 is distinguished by its extremely durable construction. The nylon braid reliably protects the cable from mechanical damage even during prolonged use, and also prevents tangling. The reinforced connector means you don't have to worry about breakage caused by prolonged bending.

Manufacturer Baseus
Model CATS010504
Material PC nylon
Color Pink
Length 2 m
Intensity 6A
Power 100W
Transmission speed 480 Mbps
Interface USB-C to Lightning


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