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Baseus Orange Dot Multifunctional remote control for presentation, with a red laser pointer - gray

ID товара:993174
в наличии поставщикa: 231 шт.
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Baseus Orange Dot multifunctional remote control for presentations, with red laser pointer, rechargeable (gray)

Make your lectures or presentations easier. Among other things, the Baseus Orange Dot multifunctional remote control allows you to conveniently switch slides and highlight key information, and has been equipped with a red laser pointer. It also offers speech-to-text transcription and Chinese-to-English translation functions. It uses a dual USB-A / USB-C receiver and features a long range. At the same time, it is extremely easy to use.


Automatic transcription

Use the remote control to effortlessly prepare notes from your presentation or lecture. The device has a built-in noise-canceling microphone and uses IFLYTEK A.I. speech recognition technology to accurately convert audio to text. It can also translate from Chinese to English and generate subtitles - perfect for international conferences, for example. What's more, a QR code will be created when you finish recording. Scan it to download and share the document with the recorded text of the speech!


Convenient remote control

With the Baseus remote control, giving lectures becomes much easier. Among other things, the device will allow you to remotely open web pages, switch slides and play videos. It also offers a number of useful functions. For example, Spotlight will help you focus your audience's attention on selected details of your presentation, while Magnifying Glass will allow you to magnify figures or small graphics. You can also conveniently highlight and underline selected information on slides.


Wide possibilities

The Baseus multifunctional remote control will prove itself in many applications. You will successfully use it both with a regular projection screen and with an LCD display. Its laser pointer can work in 2 modes - Digital and Physical. The device is also distinguished by its compatibility with Windows, iOS and Linux operating systems. It also supports various file formats without problems and works with Office, WPS or Adobe Acrobat.


Impressive performance and range

The remote control is equipped with an advanced chip that is responsible for fast transmission and low latency. Don't let unexpected signal problems ruin your presentation! The device also features a long range - up to 50m for the remote control and up to 100m for the laser pointer. What's more, the long-lasting 300 mAh rechargeable battery guarantees a long working time for the product. Its charging will not take long - about 1.5 hours is enough.


Improved design

High-quality aluminum alloy was used to make the remote control. As a result, the device is extremely pleasant to the touch and looks really elegant. It is also distinguished by its high durability and resistance to damage. In addition, the included receiver is equipped with 2 connectors - USB-A and USB-C. So you can easily connect it to any computer or laptop - no need for additional adapters! Convenient operation of the remote control is provided by buttons located in easily accessible places.


In the box

  • Remote control with adapter
  • Charging cable (USB-A / USB-C)




Brand Baseus
Name Orange Dot AI Wireless Presenter (Red Laser) (Charging)
Model WKCD020013
Color Gray
Material Aluminum alloy + PC + ABS
Operating frequency 2400-2490MHz
Remote control range Up to 50m
Laser pointer range Up to 100m
Audio recording range Up to 1m
Laser pointer color Red
Battery capacity 300mAh / 3.7V
Charging port USB-C
Input 5V / 0.3A
Dimensions 30x137x10mm
Weight Approx. 56g




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