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Multitool Light Duty Wrench NexTool NE20238

ID товара:1316965
в наличии поставщикa: 263 шт.
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Multitool wrench NexTool NE20238

The multifunctional wrench by NexTool will be useful for both repairs and various household chores. It combines as many as 6 functions and is distinguished by an opening of 24 mm, so it will help you face a variety of challenges. The product is made with precision and was created from a double layer of steel and aluminum, which translates into robustness and durability.


A range of applications

Forget problematic, too-heavy toolboxes, bet on the NexTool proposal and enjoy the convenience that a compact, multi-functional wrench provides. The tool can function not only as an adjustable wrench, but also as a knife, Phillips screwdriver, flat screwdriver, metal file and bottle opener.


Reliable during repairs

The versatile NexTool wrench will prove indispensable when repairing faucets, pipes, furniture or working on a bicycle. Its maximum opening width is 24 mm, and thanks to its flexible mechanism and laser-made markings, you can do the job with precision and efficiency. In addition, the innovative design with extended arms allows you to extend it by 33 mm, and the durable handle can withstand pressure of up to 50 kg.


Rugged design

The patented structure based on layers of steel guarantees not only exceptional quality, but also strength. The 3 layers of steel plate, combined with reinforcing elements, create a sturdy structure capable of coping with even the toughest tasks. The wrench is also compatible with various sockets, which significantly increases its functionality. In addition, the set comes with a practical case, so you can conveniently and safely store the tool.


In the set:

  • Multifunction wrench
  • Case
Manufacturer NexTool
Model NE20238
Dimensions 114 x 28 x 12 mm (after folding)
Material 420J1
Weight 147 g ± 10 g
Functions adjustable wrench / knife / Phillips screwdriver / flathead screwdriver / metal file / bottle opener


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