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Bicycle saddle Rockbros AQ-6090R (Black-Red)

ID товара:1320157
в наличии поставщикa: 94 шт.
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Rockbros bicycle saddle AQ-6090R

Are you looking for a saddle that will give you full comfort while riding? Check out the Rockbros AQ-6090R! The product is made of dense shape memory foam with an additional layer of non-slip polyurethane and thermal insulation, so you will be extremely comfortable even with prolonged use. The saddle has enlarged vents to effectively dissipate excess heat. A reflective light is mounted in the rear for increased visibility during night riding, as well as a handle that will allow you to safely carry a passenger on the rack.

Unparalleled comfort

The saddle is distinguished by its ergonomic shape, which allows the buttocks to sit evenly and, consequently, safely align the spine. The flexible foam remembers the shape and ensures complete comfort. What's more, the saddle has a non-slip polyurethane layer that guarantees thermal insulation, as well as an enlarged ventilation hole that dissipates excess heat, so you can be sure that you will be comfortable and pleasant, even on the hottest days.

Shock absorption

The seat has been contoured to provide total shock resistance. In addition, the two springs on which the saddle is mounted act as effective shock absorbers, so you can freely ride into the forest bumpy roads without worrying about your comfort or damaging the saddle.

Safety is key

The Rockbros AQ-6090R is a model that has been equipped with a special handle that can be grabbed by the person carried on the rack. In addition, there is a reflector in the back of the saddle, which will increase safety when riding at night. In the set you will find a clip, with the help of which you will stably mount the saddle.


  • Saddle x 1
  • Mounting clip x 1
Manufacturer Rockbros
Model AQ-6090R
Dimensions ~26 x 22 x 10 cm
Weight ~618 g
Material Anti-slip PU with thermal insulation + high-density memory foam


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