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Wire Splicing Connector pack Sonoff (34 pcs)

ID товара:1316685
в наличии поставщикa: 192 шт.
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Sonoff quick-connector set (34 pieces).

Sonoff D1-1 quick disconnect set is the ideal solution for connecting cables in various electrical projects. With their help, you can quickly and safely connect cables without soldering, twisting or using insulating tape.

Top quality workmanship

The D1-1 connectors are designed to operate with a rated voltage of 250 V and a rated current of 32 A. Their high-quality contacts were formed from red copper, which ensures excellent electrical conductivity and reliability. In addition, the polycarbonate (PC) housing guarantees durability and resistance to mechanical damage.

Dimensions and compatibility

Each quick connector measures 9.1 x 39.3 x 14.5 mm, making it compact and easy to use even in confined spaces. The connectors are compatible with solid wires of 0.5 to 4 mm² (20-12AWG) and flexible wires of 0.5 to 2.5 mm² (20-15AWG).

Ease of use

Sonoff quick connectors are extremely easy to use. All you have to do is open the housing, insert the wires and close the connector. This allows you to quickly and efficiently organize your electrical installation. It is also possible to simply connect the quick couplings together, allowing you to customize them to meet specific project requirements.


These connectors can be used in a variety of applications, from motors and electrical controls to power supplies and home appliances such as outlets, switches, lamps, electrical boxes and fans. This versatile tool will work well for both professional installations and home DIY projects.


Rated voltage250 V
Rated current32 A
Contact materialRed copper
Solid conductor0.5-4 mm² (20-12AWG)
Flexible wire0.5-2.5 mm² (20-15AWG)
Dimensions9.1 x 39.3 x 14.5 mm
Number of pieces in the set34


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