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Discharger & Analyzer SkyRC BD380

ID товара:1317367
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SkyRC BD380 Discharger & Analyzer

The SkyRC BD380 is an advanced discharger and analyzer that combines a range of functions to ensure precise and efficient battery management. This product, developed by SkyRC, is dedicated to professionals and enthusiasts, offering advanced testing and analysis capabilities in a single device.

Enhanced discharge functions

The BD380 allows precise battery discharge in various modes: CC (direct current): provides constant current flow, which is key for predictable power consumption, ideal for testing battery capacity; CP (constant power): maintains constant power output, which is useful for applications requiring stable power delivery; CR (constant resistance): simulates a constant resistive load, allowing realistic testing of energy storage; CV (constant voltage): maintains a stable voltage level, allowing testing of power supplies under various load conditions.

Versatility and convenience

The BD380 supports all types of batteries, with DC input voltages ranging from 3-30V, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of applications. In addition, it offers support for smartphones and computers through a smartphone app and PC/MAC software, providing convenient real-time battery management and monitoring. The app allows quick monitoring of battery status, identifying faulty units and exporting discharge curves for further analysis.

Efficiency and protection

Discharging and charging batteries with high current increases their efficiency, which is crucial in RC racing, enabling drivers to achieve higher power and competitive advantage. The BD380 is equipped with overload, over-current and over-temperature protection, ensuring safe operation for both itself and the connected batteries. This allows the unit to be used in long and intensive test sessions without risk of damage or excessive heat.

Advanced cooling

To maintain performance even under full load, the BD380 uses heatsink technology from gaming PCs, with high-quality fans and copper tubes to ensure rapid heat dissipation. The fans are thermally controlled, adjusting their speed according to current conditions, ensuring consistent, optimal performance. The system also avoids performance drops, which is key to maintaining testing and analysis accuracy.

Modern interface

The BD380 has a Web 2.0 style, offering responsive menus and modern icons that are intuitive for users. The interface is available in multiple languages, including English, Dutch, Chinese, French and Japanese, providing convenience for international users. This makes the device friendly to users around the world, allowing them to use all functions in their preferred language.


Dimensions159.7 × 110 × 121.6 mm
Housing materialPC-ABS V0
Weight1100 g
Display typeTN
Display size1.77 inches
Active panel area43.20 × 57.60 mm
Resolution160 × 128 pixels
Number of colors262 thousand.
DC input voltage3-30 V
Discharge0.3 A - 40.0 A
CC mode (direct current)0,3-40 A
CR mode (constant resistance)1-100 Ω
CP mode (constant power)1-380 W
CV mode (constant voltage)max. power 180 W (do not connect the battery in this mode)
Operating temperature0-40°C
Humidity during operation0-75%
Storage temperature-10-70°C
Storage humidity0-75%


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