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Smart Thermostat Radiator Valve Sonoff TRVZB Zigbee 3.0

ID товара:1316715
в наличии поставщикa: 440 шт.
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Intelligent Sonoff TRVZB Zigbee 3.0 Thermostatic Head

In the digital era, controlling home heating becomes not only more convenient but also more efficient. The Intelligent Sonoff TRVZB Zigbee 3.0 Thermostatic Head offers users unparalleled control over the temperature in their homes. With remote control capability, individual room regulation, scheduling, window detection, and Child Lock function, this product sets new standards in home automation.

Remote Control

The Sonoff TRVZB Thermostatic Head allows temperature control from anywhere in the world. Thanks to Zigbee 3.0 wireless connectivity, users can adjust heating settings via a mobile application. This convenience allows for managing home temperature from work, travel, or even from bed.

Individual Room Regulation

A unique feature of this thermostatic head is the ability to regulate the temperature in each room separately. Adapting the heat to individual residents' needs becomes simple and intuitive. It's an ideal solution for families where everyone has their temperature preferences.

Smart Schedules

The head offers the option to set schedules, allowing heating to be automatically turned on and off according to a predefined plan. This not only adds to comfort but also saves energy, as heating operates efficiently only when needed.

Window Detection

Integrated window open detection is a feature that automatically turns off the radiator when a room is ventilated. This intelligent solution prevents heat and energy wastage, resulting in lower bills and improved energy efficiency.

Child Lock and Additional Features

The Child Lock function prevents unauthorized changes to settings by children. In addition, the thermostatic head offers voice control and access to historical data in the application, allowing for precise energy consumption analysis. Smart Scenes enable the creation of scenarios that automatically adjust the temperature for various daily activities.

Package Contents

Thermostatic Head x 1

QR Code Card x 1

Instruction Manual x 1

Valve Adapter x 6

Screw x 1

Nut x 1

Mounting Anchors x 4


Input4.5V (3 x 1.5V AA batteries)
Battery Model1.5V LR6 Alkaline Battery
Wireless ConnectionZigbee 3.0
Screw ConnectionM30 x 1.5mm
Operating Temperature-10°C~50°C
Operating Humidity5%-95% RH (non-condensing)
Dimensions59.4 x 59.4 x 95mm
Isolation MeansType 1.B
Startup Degree2
Rated Impulse Voltage500V
Temperature Setting Range4°C-35°C


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