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speakers stands Edifier Airpulse ST300 (brown) 2pcs.

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Edifier ST300 stands for A300

Take your music experience to an even higher level. The Edifier ST300 stands provide stability for your A300 or A300 Pro speakers and allow you to position them so that the excellent quality sound reaches your ears optimally. They are made of wood and are hollow inside, allowing you to additionally fill them with sand. The set includes 2 pieces

Even more interesting sound experience

With special shock-absorbing pads, the stands will help you avoid unwanted vibrations and allow for even better sound quality. You can also fill them with sand to almost completely reduce acoustic resonance. All this will give you crystal clear sound and provide you with an unforgettable musical experience.

Unparalleled stability

Place your speakers on stands without worrying about them falling and being damaged. The ST300 are adequately heavy and stable. They are also equipped with large bases that make accidental knocking over almost impossible. What's more, the stands are designed in such a way that you can safely attach the speakers to them.

Solid workmanship

The stands are made of 100% wood and have been covered with waterproof paint, which makes them extremely solid, durable and resistant to wear. They look really elegant at the same time. They perfectly match the design of A300 / A300 Pro speakers and can fantastically complement almost any setting.


  • Edifier ST300 stands 2pcs
Brand Edifier
Model ST300
Dedicated to Edifier A300
Top base dimensions 300 x 210 x 21 mm
Column dimensions 190 x 105 x 600 mm
Bottom base dimensions 400 x 320 x 30 mm
Stands dimensions when assembled 320 x 651 x 400 mm
Weight 18.2kg
Color Black-brown


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