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Bachmann DESK 1x switch 3x way 1xABD GST1

ID товара:1266016
в наличии поставщикa: 1 шт.
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Plug connections as standard
The standard power connection Featuress a Wieland plug-in connector in the rear panel and provides both reliable power feed and also flexibility in cable length. The cables can be swapped for longer or shorter power supply cables, for example. We use Wieland’s GST18 connector, which is popular all over the world, as standard. This plug connection has a catch mechanism which complies with the relevant standards and can be released again if required. The contacts on the plug connection are safe to touch. A power output socket provides a means of forwarding power to the next module.

Mounting without damage
DESK 1 can be mounted on the edge of a desk or table quickly and easily using a mounting bracket.
A size 4 Allen key is required in order to tighten the inside screw on the bracket. Mounting does
not damage the tabletop/desktop.

DeSK 1 plus Step in combination
Combining DESK 1 with a STEP power strip provides the ideal overall solution for an individual office workstation. DESK 1 provides easy access to power and data connections for various devices (laptop, mobile phone, USB etc.) whilst the STEP power strip under the desk/table top supplies power to fixed devices such as PC, monitor, printer etc. The STEP power strip is
screwed in place underneath the top of the desk or table or placed in a duct underneath.

The integrated Wieland connector system allows multiple power strips to be connected in series in compliance with standards.

- Anodised aluminium profile; power input: GST18 / power outlet: GST18.
- 3 socket outlet with earthing contact, black, set at 35°.
- 1 switch, 2-pole, illuminated, length 365mm.

Device Type power strip
Output Sockets
3-pin Grounded (EU): 3x


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