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Baseus Ethernet CAT6, 20m network cable (black)

ID товара:1316696
в наличии поставщикa: 75 шт.
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Baseus Ethernet CAT6 Network Cable, 20m (black)

Discover a new dimension of connectivity with the Baseus CAT6 network cable, designed to meet your most demanding needs for speed, compatibility and durability. Whether you're a professional in need of reliable connectivity or a multimedia enthusiast in search of smooth streaming, this cable was made with you in mind.


Fast data transmission

The Baseus CAT6 network cable provides incredibly fast and reliable data transmission, allowing you to download 1GB of files in just 10 seconds. Thanks to its use, you can count on a stable and smooth Internet experience, which significantly increases productivity both at work and during entertainment. With no delays and no unwanted disconnections, this cable guarantees HD quality without buffering. It is the ideal choice for those who do not accept compromises on speed and reliability.


Wide compatibility

Baseus CAT6 stands out for its wide compatibility, working with various operating systems such as Windows, Apple OS, Linux and Vista. Whether you are using a laptop, desktop, TV or TV box, this cable ensures smooth and reliable communication between devices. This versatile solution is ideal for a variety of hardware configurations, giving you the freedom and flexibility to use a wide range of technologies.


Thoughtful design

The network cable features an exceptionally well-thought-out design that ensures superior performance at every stage of use. Twisted pairs of pure 26AWG copper with a thicker core guarantee faster data transfer, even over long distances. The 20-meter length and double shielding effectively protect the signal from external interference. The gold-plated connector increases conductivity, while the PVC jacket adds longer cable life and exceptional bending resistance. The overall cable also features exceptional tensile and wear resistance, making it a durable and reliable choice.

Manufacturer Baseus
Model B00133205111-01
Material PVC
Color Black
Length 20 m
Data transmission max. 1000 Mbps
Compatible systems Windows, Apple OS, Linux, Vista, etc.


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