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Šūpuļtīkls ANGEL gaiši bēšs

Preces ID:1317995
Prece izpārdota
Apmaksas veidi
Mūsu priekšrocības

24 mēnešu garantija

SMS / E-pasta paziņojumi

Preču atgriešana 14 dienu laikā

Dažādi maksājuma veidiPay orders in convenient ways: cash to the courier, by bank transfer on the receipt of the bank or by credit card right at the time of the order.

Godīga cenaLepojamies, ka arī juridiskām personām esošā cena ir bez kādiem papildus maksājumiem!

Hammock ANGEL beige. The hammock is handmade by El Salvador artisans, respecting the ancient culture and traditional techniques. The cotton fabric is hand woven. The edges of the swing are decorated with hand-crocheted narrow lace and nice tassels. Polyester cords ensure better durability and strength of the hammock. The swing can be installed between two trees or posts. It is also possible to use a special hammock stand to hang the swing up. The distance between the attachment points must be at least 25-30 cm longer than the total length of the swing. The dimensions of the swing are 127x230 / 320cm, the maximum load capacity is 120kg. MAINTENANCE: to prolong the life span of the product it is important to protect it from the weather. The durability of the fabric and cords decreases due to UV radiation and excessive moisture, and the colors fade. We recommend always storing the swing in a dry and well-ventilated room after use. Allow the swing to dry completely before storing it. Hand-washing at 40 degrees is allowed. Use mild detergents.

Svītrkods 4741243206625
Triipkood 4741243206625
Штрих-код 4741243206625
Barcode 4741243206625

Iegādāties preces līzingā tagad ir vieglāk kā jebkad agrāk: tas aizņems ne vairāk kā 5 minūtes Jūsu dārgā laika – aizpildiet līzinga pieteikumu Interneta veikalā www.707.lv, un par pārējo parūpēsies Interneta veikala www.707.lv klientu dienests.


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Kredīta ņēmēja vecums: no 20 līdz 76 gadiem;
Aizdevuma summa: no 100 EUR līdz 7000 EUR;
Aizdevuma termiņš: no 6 līdz 60 mēnešiem;
Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
Noformēšanai nepieciešama pase vai ID-karte.



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