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Cordless Pressure Washer Pro Hoto QWXCJ002, 20V

Preces ID:1313719
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 62 prece(s)
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Pro Hoto QWXCJ002 cordless pressure washer, 20V

Want to clean your car with ease? Or water your garden faster and more efficiently? With the HOTO cordless pressure washer it will be possible! It will prove itself in many situations, and thanks to its light weight and ergonomic design, it will be more comfortable to use. Thanks to its 2,500 mAh Li-lon rechargeable battery, it has an operating time of up to 45 minutes, so you can easily carry out the work you have planned.

High power

What sets the HOTO cordless washer apart is the water pressure output of up to 2.0 MPa. What's more, for more effective cleaning, it is equipped with a more powerful 14 mm twin-head pump that can spray up to 200 l of water per hour. This makes working with it much more comfortable.

Different modes of operation

You can easily adapt the HOTO cordless pressure washer to your needs. It offers several operating modes, which you can easily change by rotating the device head. You can choose from the JET mode, which generates a straight jet; the TILTED mode, where the water jet is directed downwards; the 20 and 40 degree modes, as well as the FOAM AND SHOWER mode, with which you can easily wash your car with foam and water.

Multifunctional washer

The HOTO pressure washer is suitable for many everyday tasks. It can be used to water flowers, clean stairs, windows and floors, but not only that! It is also perfect for cleaning carpets, cars and bikes. It is a multifunctional tool that helps you clean all sorts of equipment.

Comfort of use

The HOTO washer was designed with comfort in mind. It weighs up to 1.5 kg, which makes it lightweight. What's more, the ergonomic handle will lie perfectly in your hand, making it easier and more comfortable to operate while washing your car. In addition, the long 6-metre hose is equipped with a filtration system to prevent contamination.

Long operating time

The HOTO is equipped with a large 2,500 mAh battery, giving the equipment an operating time of up to 45 minutes. This makes it possible to wash up to two cars on a single charge! What's more, the washer's battery shows IPX6 water resistance, so you can use the device safely.

Producer HOTO
Model QWXCJ002
Dimensions 360 × 500 × 80 mm
Weight 1.5 kg
Operating time up to 45 min
Operating power 330 W
Battery Li-lon
Battery capacity 2500 mAh
Rated voltage 45 Wh
Water pressure up to 2.0 MPa
Water resistance IPX6


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