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Bosch Expert Carbide-RIFF grinding plate AVZ 90 RT2 MultiMaterial, grinding disc (10 pieces)

Preces ID:1298090
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 1 prece(s)
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Expert Carbide-RIFF grinding plate AVZ 90 RT2 MultiMaterial, grinding disc
The Carbide-RIFF grinding plate AVZ 90 RT2 MultiMaterial from Bosch is suitable for grinding in gaps and niches, in corners and on edges. With the uniquely shaped blade, even hard-to-reach and narrow areas can be sanded precisely without sandpaper, because the extra-thin blade gets into the narrowest of spaces. The open facing of the sanding plate with robust 20-grit carbide ensures high wear resistance and a long service life. The thin, pointed blade also enables the best results in very narrow spaces and in hard-to-reach places. The robust carbide trimmings of the grinding plate ensure high wear resistance and offer a particularly long service life. The Carbide-RIFF AVZ 90 RT2 MultiMaterial sanding plate is suitable for removing mortar behind tiles, carpet adhesive or for rough processing of wood. The Starlock mounting system enables quick reed changes without touching the reed in just three seconds. The sanding plate fits all Starlock, Starlock Plus and Starlock Max power tools, as well as common multifunction tools from the manufacturers Bosch, Fein, Festool, Makita, Würth and others.
Type: Grinding Wheel
EAN: 4059952530987
Manufacturer number: 2608900046
Manufactured in: Switzerland
Series: Expert, Carbide
Application: For sanding narrow gaps, corners and edges
Suitable for: multi-function tool
Compatible with: All tools with Starlock, StarlockPlus, StarlockMax, OIS twelve-point or star shank
Set: 10 pieces
Material suitability: tile adhesive, wood, mortar
Tool holder: Starlock
Grit: P20
Size: O | 90mm
Feature: Delta shape allows corners and edges to be sanded
Additional Info: Lasts up to 100 times longer than standard sandpaper


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Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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