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BESSEY lever clamp GH 160/80 - GH16

Preces ID:1104517
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 1 prece(s)
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Lever clamp GH16
The BESSEY GH lever clamps achieve a clamping force of up to 8,500 N, and the locking mechanism enables controlled, fast and vibration-free clamping. The particularly wear-resistant eccentric ensures a long service life. The serrated sliding arm is made of forged heat-treated steel and ensures the highest level of safety thanks to the linear power transmission. The optimized profile shape enables an even build-up of clamping force with greater power reserves, especially when the span is fully utilized. The fixed bracket, forged from one piece with a molded pressure plate, is tempered and galvanized, making it highly resilient and torsion-resistant. The lever clamp GH16 can be clamped up to 5x faster than conventional clamps and is safe and insensitive to vibrations. With the help of the plastic-coated release lever with integrated anti-slip protection, the connection can be released again quickly.
Type: Lever Clamp
Color: silver/red
EAN code: 4008158034331
Manufacturer No.: GH16
Series: GH
Intended use: For springy and elastic clamping
Content: 1 piece
Material: steel
Finish: Galvanized
Max. clamping range: 160 mm
Clamping force: 8,500 Newtons
Projection: 80 mm
Area of application: house, workshop
Feature: Up to 5x faster than conventional clamps
Additional information: Release lever with anti-slip protection, rail thickness 17.5mm x 6.8mm
Weight: 640 grams


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Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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