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Shelly Plus H&T Gen3, detector (black (matt), pack of 3)

Preces ID:1294295
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 1 prece(s)
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With the Shelly Plus H&T Gen3 sensor you can precisely measure the temperature and humidity in your home. This is particularly important for a healthy living environment. Connect the device to other Shelly devices for seamless climate automation, ensuring optimal comfort in your living area. The best part? No hub is required! Control is easy via the Shelly Smart Control app as well as various protocols, platforms and voice assistants. The new Shelly chip with 8MB memory ensures faster responsiveness and the Matter upgrade offers additional functionality. The sensor features a low-power e-paper display and an integrated clock. Batteries are not included, 4 x 1.5 V AA (LR) batteries are required. The device also works with a USB Type-C slot and has an integrated web server and a WiFi connection. Item no.: 100031119

Type detector
Color black (matt)
EAN 4250494928793
Manufacturer no. BUSHYHT2
Smart home Alexa, Google Home, Homey, Samsung SmartThings, WiFi
Device properties Display/display E-paper display
Max. transmit (building) 10 m
Indoor use
Humidity operation 30 - 70%
Wi-Fi 802.11 b, 802.11 g, 802.11 n
Max. reception range (open field) 50 m
Operating temperature range 0 - 40 °C
Bluetooth connection type
Radio frequency from 2,400 MHz to 2,495 MHz
Feature MQTT, webhooks, REST API
Further information CPU: ESP-Shelly-C38F, 8MB flash memory
Dimensions Width: 70mm x Height: 70mm x Depth/Length: 26mm


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Kredīta ņēmēja vecums: no 20 līdz 76 gadiem;
Aizdevuma summa: no 100 EUR līdz 7000 EUR;
Aizdevuma termiņš: no 6 līdz 60 mēnešiem;
Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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