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Extradigital Notebook Battery for A2485, A2527, 8700mAh

Preces ID:1314685
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 5 prece(s)
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Notebook battery for A2485, A2527, 8700mAh, 11.45V, 99.6Wh.

A standard-sized batteries are made from a new generation of original lithium polymer (li-poly) cells.
Top quality, balanced features rechargeable cells and original microcontrollers ensure battery charging up to 600 times.
These batteries provide the longest battery life and maximum capacity, they have no memory effect.

Compatible with the following computer models:
Apple MacBook Pro 16" (2021 A2485).
Apple MacBook Pro 16" 2021.
Apple MacBook Pro 16" A2485.
Apple A2485 M1 Pro.
Apple A2485 (EMC 3651 MacBookPro18,2, 2021).
Apple A2485 M1 Max 10-Core.
Apple A2485 M1 Max 24-Core.
Apple MacBookPro18,2.
Apple A2485 M1 Max.
Apple MacBook Pro 16 inch.
Apple M1 Pro 10-Core/16-Core.
Apple M1 Max 10-Core/24-Core.
Apple M1 Max 10-Core/32-Core.
Apple MK1E3LL/A.
Apple MK183LL/A.
Apple MK1F3LL/A.
Apple MK193LL/A.
Apple MK1H3LL/A.
Apple MK1A3LL/A.
Apple MK1E3LL/A (16GB, 512GB, Silver).
Apple MK183LL/A (16GB, 512GB, Space Gray).
Apple MK1F3LL/A (16GB, 1TB, Silver).
Apple MK193LL/A (16GB, 1TB, Space Gray).
Apple MK1H3LL/A (32GB, 1TB, Silver).
Apple MK1A3LL/A (32GB, 1TB, Space Gray).
Apple EMC 3651.

The battery is suitable for use instead of these battery models:
Apple A2527.
Apple A2485 (Late 2021 Version).
Apple EMC 3651.

Please check your laptop’s battery part number first to ensure you are searching for the correct battery. The list of compatible batteries and computers may be not complete. In case of doubt, always ask a consultant for advice.

Capacity: 8700 mAh.
Element type: Li-polymer.
Voltage: 11.45 V.

Warranty 12 months.

Important information!
Waste batteries and accumulators must be disposed of into specially marked containers.


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