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Bezvadu Pele Verbatim Deluxe Pelēka

Preces ID:357190
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 34 prece(s)
Apmaksas veidi
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24 mēnešu garantija

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Preču atgriešana 14 dienu laikā

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Product Summary

The Verbatim 8-Button Deluxe Mice features Blue LED technology, allowing users to navigate on virtually any surface, from a glass tabletop to granite counter top and with 2.4GHz wireless performance you can enjoy lag-free cursor movement. 

The mouse connects to the computer via a nano receiver, small enough to plug in and leave connected – great for computing on the go. When not in use, the receiver stores conveniently inside the battery compartment (which comes supplied with two AA batteries).

It has a smooth Ergonomic design and Contoured shape with an easy-grip surface to ensure that the user remains comfortable after hours of computing.

The Wireless Desktop 8-Button Deluxe Blue LED Mouse is backed by a 2-Year Limited Warranty.

Product Information

2.4GHz wireless technology
Blue LED lens for use on any surface inc. Glass / Granite tops
Back/forward buttons for use in a Web Browser
Zoom in/out in Windows applications e.g. Word / Excel
Windows Start button / Windows 8 Home button
800/1300/1600 optional DPI.
Ergonomic design for comfortable us
Nano wireless receiver – plug n stay


Nano receiver
2 x AA Batteries
Product Dimensions:  126mm x 82mm x 44mm (L x W x H)
Product weight:            82 grams





The information provided on this page is a property of the manufacturer or the brand.

To find out more, please visit: http://www.verbatim-europe.co.uk/


Ražotājs Verbatim
Preces kods 49041V
Svars (kg) 0.820
Tips Optiskā
Pieslēgums Bezvadu
Pieslēguma veids USB
Kategorija Standarta
Pogu skaits 8
Krāsa Pelēka
Barošana 2 x AA baterijas
DPI jutība 1600 dpi
Garantija 2 gadi

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Preces www.707.lv uz nomaksu var iegādāties jebkurš Latvijas iedzīvotājs (t.sk. citu valstu pilsoņi ar uzturēšanās atļauju Latvijas Republikā);
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Kredīta ņēmēja vecums: no 20 līdz 76 gadiem;
Aizdevuma summa: no 100 EUR līdz 7000 EUR;
Aizdevuma termiņš: no 6 līdz 60 mēnešiem;
Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
Noformēšanai nepieciešama pase vai ID-karte.



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