Mikroskops Bērniem ar Komplektu Levenhuk LabZZ M2 Plus 100x-900x
Levenhuk LabZZ M2 Plus mikroskops ir lielisks instruments priekš jaunajiem biologiem. Mikroskopu ir viegli lietot, tas ļauj pētīt caurspīdīgus mikroskopa paraugus, un tas nāk kopā ar ļoti interesantu eksperimentu komplektu. Bērns varēs novērot gatavos mikroskopa slaidus un skatīties, kā audzētavā aug artēmijas. Komplektā ir arī īpaši darbarīki neatkarīgai mikroskopa paraugu sagatavošanai. Levenhuk LabZZ M2 Plus mikroskopam ir revolvergalviņa, kas ir aprīkota ar trim objektīva lēcām. Lēcas ir jau uzstādītas. Šīs lēcas jums atļauj iegūt vairākus noteiktus palielinājumus diapazonā 100x-900x. Apgaismojums atrodas zem priekšmetgaldiņa. Jūs varat izvēlēties spoguli vai kvēlspuldzi- apgaismojuma vienība griežas ap savu asi. Priekšmetgaldiņš ir aprīkots ar īpašām metāla spailēm, lai varētu nostiprināt paraugus. Fokusēšana tiek veikta ar atsevišķu rokturi. Apgaismojums darbojas ar baterijām (nav iekļautas). Korpuss ir viegls- izgatavots no izturīgas plastmasas. Mikroskops ar visiem tā piederumiem ir iepakoti košā, krāsainā kastē. Īpašības:
Komplektā ietilpst:
Paramecium caudatum is perhaps one of the first protozoans that a young naturalist would explore. These organisms live in fresh standing water. They can also be found in an aquarium, especially if it hasn’t been cleaned for a long time. My ciliate-shoes were taken from the aquarium. Of course, there are only a few ciliate-shoes in aquarium water – the possibility of finding one of them in your microscope’s eyepiece is extremely low. Therefore, we need to increase their concentration. To do so, take a jar (about 17 fluid ounces or 0.5 liters), fill it with aquarium water, put a small spoiled onion and banana peel inside. Put the jar in a warm dark place for 5 to 7 days (don’t close it with a lid). ![]() ![]() Paramecium caudatum. Animation. Magnification: 64x. The average size of Paramecium caudatum is 0.02 inches (0.5 mm). For locomotion Paramecium caudatum uses its cilia (about 15 thousand cilia cover its little body!). Moreover, it has two nuclei (a large macronucleus is responsible for nutrition, respiration, metabolism, etc.; and a small micronucleus – for reproduction). Paramecium caudatum feeds on bacteria or algae. The food is caught by an oral groove covered in cilia and then goes to the cell mouth. It is then digested in the digestive vacuole (gullet). Undigested leftovers are ‘thrown out in the open’ through an anal pore (cytoproct). To remove all excess water, our heroine has two contractile vacuoles. They work like pumps on a boat, pumping excess water out of its body. Paramecium caudatum maintains its slipper-like shape thanks to a special membrane (pellicle). | ||||||||